How to buy crypto at the CoinCash ATMs
Select the cryptocurrency you would like to buy – the home screen always shows the logo of the currently available currencies.
What types of cryptocurrencies are available for buying at your ATMs?
You can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin via our ATMs. You can use HUF or EUR for the purchase. The minimum purchase amount is 1000 HUF / equivalent EUR.
What type of cryptocurrencies are available for selling at your ATMs?
You can sell Bitcoin and Litecoin; other altcoin sales are not supported by our devices at the moment! When selling, our ATMs can only sell for forints.
How to sell crypto at the CoinCash ATMs
Select the cryptocurrency you would like to sell - the home screen always shows the logo of the currently available currencies.
Can I pay by debit / credit card at your crypto ATMs?
Unfortunately our ATMs are only supporting cash payments. You can purchase for HUF / EUR and sell your coins in exchange for HUF.
Do I need to register on your website before I use the ATM?
There is no need to register on our website beforehand; enough to identify yourself at the ATM.
What exchange rate can I expect to receive at the ATM?
We have a unique exchange rate index that aggregates various factors, including foreign exchange rates, stock exchange rates, and stock developments.
What is the identification process at your ATMs?
At our ATM devices, we make customer identification according to our AML policy.
How to sell Bitcoin at the ATM
Select ‘Sell’, as well as the desired cryptocurrency to sell.
Buy Bitcoin via our cryptocurrency ATM
Select the desired cryptocurrency. Scan the QR code of your wallet.
FAQ Bitcoin ATM
FAQ Bitcoin ATM