CoinMarketCap provides us with up-to-date information on cryptocurrency rates 24 hours a day. The site is one of the most trusted sources for orientation, but many of us do not need an introduction anymore as it is part of our daily routine.
A sudden increase in related searches usually predicts the market growth. In last week's reports, several analysts have pointed out that the increase in searches is already rivalled by clicks on Brexit and Boris Johnson.
In general, I can say that we trust our passwords. Especially if you spiced things up and use something different from your date of birth or your pet's name. What about private keys? How long would it take to crack our Bitcoin wallet?
Blockchains, distributed ledgers, cryptocurrencies, ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) - what do they mean at all? Were you one of those who felt left behind when fintech nerds talked about peer-to-peer networks and alternative crypto assets?
The Argentine government is monitoring the capital of its citizens in response to the country's growing financial problems. The South American country has limited dollar purchases to $10,000 a month after $3 billion was drained from the foreign currency reserves on Thursday and Friday. Is it time to turn to Bitcoin?
Craig "Faketoshi" Wright goes through a bit of a rough time these days. The court ruled he had to hand over half of the coins mined between 2009 and 2011 to the heir of computer genius Dave Kleiman, who died in 2013.
BitPay, which deals with cryptocurrency payments, faces another PR nightmare after rejecting a $ 100,000 donation to Amazon Watch, a charity dedicated to protecting the rainforest.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is currently developing prototypes of blockchain tokens designed to enable landowners, developers, environmental groups and governments to invest in sustainable development.
Bitcoin is now ranked 11th on the list of largest money / monetary supply in the world. This is a remarkable performance for an asset that was created based on an anonymous 9-page white paper only 10 years ago.